PM Surya Ghar Scheme-This groundbreaking initiative aims to provide 300 units of electricity free of cost to 1 crore households.

By Feb 14, 2024
PM Surya Ghar SchemePM Surya Ghar Scheme

In a bid to revolutionize energy consumption and promote sustainability, the Indian government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the ambitious PM Surya Ghar scheme. This groundbreaking initiative aims to provide 300 units of electricity free of cost to 1 crore households, leveraging the potential of solar energy.

PM Modi further said that from solid subsidies, which will be given directly into people’s bank accounts, to heavily concessional bank loans, the central government will ensure that there is no cost burden on the people. All stakeholders will be integrated into a national online portal, which will further facilitate.

PM Modi appealed and said that let us promote solar energy and sustainable progress. I urge all residential consumers, especially the youth, to strengthen the PM – Surya Ghar: Free Electricity Scheme by applying at

The PM Surya Ghar scheme is a visionary program aimed at promoting the adoption of solar energy for household electricity consumption. Under this scheme, eligible households will receive 300 units of electricity free of charge, generated through solar power.

  • Promoting Solar Energy: By incentivizing the use of solar energy for household electricity needs, the scheme aims to reduce reliance on conventional energy sources and promote renewable energy.
  • Energy Access: Providing free electricity to 1 crore households ensures that even economically disadvantaged families have access to essential energy resources.
  • Environmental Conservation: Harnessing solar power reduces carbon emissions and mitigates the adverse effects of climate change, contributing to a greener and cleaner environment.
  1. Free Electricity: Eligible households will receive 300 units of electricity free of cost, generated through solar energy systems installed on their premises.
  2. Solar Panels Installation: To avail of the benefits under the scheme, households will need to install solar panels on their rooftops or designated spaces suitable for solar energy generation.
  3. Government Subsidy: The government provides financial assistance and subsidies to facilitate the installation of solar panels, making it more accessible and affordable for households.
  4. Technical Support: Along with financial incentives, the scheme offers technical guidance and support to ensure the efficient installation and maintenance of solar power systems.
  1. Cost Savings: By providing free electricity, the scheme significantly reduces household expenses on energy bills, thereby easing financial burdens, especially for low-income families.
  2. Empowering Rural Communities: The scheme empowers rural households by providing access to clean and reliable electricity, facilitating socio-economic development and improving quality of life.
  3. Job Creation: The promotion of solar energy infrastructure creates employment opportunities in the renewable energy sector, contributing to economic growth and livelihood enhancement.
  4. Environmental Impact: By transitioning to solar energy, the scheme reduces carbon footprint and environmental degradation, promoting sustainable development and conservation of natural resources.

The PM Surya Ghar scheme represents a paradigm shift towards sustainable energy practices and inclusive development. By harnessing the power of the sun, India aims to empower its citizens, protect the environment, and build a brighter future for generations to come. Through innovative initiatives like PM Surya Ghar, the nation takes bold strides towards a greener, cleaner, and more prosperous tomorrow.

PM Surya Ghar Scheme-This groundbreaking initiative aims to provide 300 units of electricity free of cost to 1 crore households.

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